This tile cleaning job by Pool Service Queen Creek was completed in about two hours. It was a tough job only because our clients didn't want to replace the pool water. This isn't a problem with the process we use to clean pool tiles as we use a mildly abrasive water blasting stream to clean calcium and scum off pool tiles.
The media we use is water-soluble and pH neutral so the cleanup takes about an hour once the process is complete. However, our process requires someone to physically get into the swimming pool to operate the pressure washer. And the water temperature is about 60 degrees right now. I only have before and after pictures of this job as I completed it by myself.
Before Picture of Steps - Viewed from the back of the pool.
After of the Steps - Viewed from the West Side
Baja Seat - Before
Baja Seat - After
All Done - Pool Looks Great!